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Rotary tattoo machine EIKON - Symbeos Deluxe System Matte Black

Item No. 2019
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The Symbeos Deluxe system has everything you need to set up a typewriter and perform a contour, shadow or complete painting.The sliders that come with the kit are easily changed to adjust the speed and torque. Within just a couple of minutes, you can switch from one motor to another, change the speed and torque, as well as the stroke length and impact force of the needle. This gives you an amazing opportunity to get almost fifty personalized settings to work in any style.The cars are made of aviation aluminum, which makes them lightweight and, at the same time, durable. Each motor is designed for a long service life and low noise and vibration.Specifications:Changing machine configurations without the risk of losing the current settings;The possibility of replacing the motor to change the speed and torque;The possibility of replacing the eccentric to change the stroke length and impact force of the needle;Each adjustment allows you to control your machine the way you want;The possibility of replacing the case to give the machine a new look.Working with needles:From 1 to 48 RL RS MagnumWorking voltage:7 - 10 VMotor:Maxon
country spain
machine_drive_type rotary
set <ul> <li>Корпус машинки Symbeos</li><li>Три мотора: <ul> <li>#4 Motor-19mm (высокая скорость, средний крутящий момент)</li> <li>#5 Motor-19mm (средняя скорость, низкий крутящий момент)</li> <li>#6 Motor-22mm (средняя скорость, высокий крутящий момент)</li> </ul> </li> <li>Три эксцентрика: <ul> <li>2,6 мм (короткий ход)</li> <li>3,4 мм (средний ход)</li> <li>4,0 мм (длинный ход)</li> </ul></li> <li>Три слайдера</li><li>Запасные болты и резинки стабилизации</li> <li>Пружины сменные</li> <li>Резинки запасные</li> <li>Специальные отвертки для разборки и чистки машинки</li> <li>Масло для смазки мотора</li> <li>Гарантийный паспорт производителя</li> <li>Инструкция по эксплуатации</li> <li>Фирменная упаковка</li> </ul>
material aluminum
machine_weight 110g
color black
max_engine_speed 9000rpm
connector rca

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